If you want to install Keepass2 under Debian Squeeze, you will have a problem: keepass2 is not in the official repositories. Only keepassX is available.

In this blog post I explain how to install Keepass2 nevertheless.

The KeePass Password Safe icon.

At first glance, I see two potential solutions:

  1. We can find the keepass2 package on the web, download it, and install it. That’s the solution I chose.
  2. Otherwise, a perhaps cleaner solution would be to download the source package and compile it. That’s cumbersome because Keepass is windows oriented.

The installation of a .deb package, is usually simpler. I cleaned a bit the packages on my machine, installed the main dependencies, and gave a try to the installation of the ubuntu Natty package.

sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo apt-get install mono-devel xdotool
wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/71859414/keepass2_2.15%2Bdfsg-2%7Enatty1_all.deb
dpkg -i keepass2_2.15+dfsg-2~natty1_all.deb

It worked !
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A screencapture from Keepass2

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