Day: January 11, 2018

  • With offline conversion measurement capabilities on Facebook, you can track when transactions occur in your physical business location and other offline channels after people see or engage with your Facebook ads. According to Facebook – “Create a list of the people who interacted with your business in-store, by phone, or through other offline channels.” How…

  • A split test (or an A/B test) is just a comparison between two different variants of a website, advertisement, email, or online form. To this end, an original version (Split A) is compared against a modified version (Split B). Here’s a basic example: You want to optimize an ad’s performance, but you aren’t sure which…

  • There are retailers and marketers who want to review the performance of their Google Shopping campaigns with split testing, whether it’s to establish if a tool offers more efficiency than manual implementation or to compare two tools against each other. But, unfortunately, the Google Shopping channel lends itself to accurate split testing only under certain…

  • Google has announced that Review extensions will stop showing this month and will be deleted entirely in AdWords accounts in February. Advertisers that ran Review extensions and want to keep their historical data will need to export it in AdWords this month. You can find the data in both the old and new AdWords interfaces.…