Our Most Popular Posts of 2019

This will be my last post of 2019, and I want to thank everyone who has spent some of his or her valuable time reading this blog. My goal for this blog has always been to provide content that readers will find informative, thought-provoking, and useful, and I’ve been immensely gratified by the attention and engagement this blog has received.

For the past several years, I’ve used my last post of the year to share which posts have been most widely read. For this list, I’m only considering posts that were published in 2019. I’ve ranked the posts based on cumulative total reads, so posts published early in the year have an advantage.

So in case you missed any of them, here are our five most popular posts for 2019:

  1. Have Marketers Fully Embraced the Growth Challenge?
  2. Both Market and Customer Expertise are Needed to Drive Growth
  3. Three Ways to Make Your Case Studies More Persuasive
  4. A Fresh Look at Millennial B2B Buyers
  5. How to Identify Revenue Growth Opportunities

Happy New Year, everyone!

Image courtesy of Republic of Korea via Flickr CC.

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