Author: ai7pz

  • Millennials – usually defined as individuals born from about 1981 through about 1997 – are on the cusp of becoming the largest generational cohort in the U.S. population, and they are already the largest component in the U.S. labor force. Several recent research studies have found that Millennials are now playing significant roles in B2B…

  • Earlier this summer, Samuel Scott created quite a stir when he wrote an article for The Drum arguing that agile marketing is a “crutch for those who do not have a real strategy.” Samuel made several points in his article, but his primary argument was that most marketing channels and tactics do not and should…

  • Unless you’ve been completely off the grid for the past several years, you’re well aware that the popularity of video content has exploded. eMarketer recently estimated that U.S. adults now spend over an hour per day watching videos on digital devices. Omnicore has reported that in early 2018, YouTube had 1.57 billion monthly active users…

  • “If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse.” Henry Ford (Attributed) “We don’t ask consumers what they want. They don’t know. Instead we apply our brain power to what they need, and will want, and make sure we’re there, ready.” Akio Morita, Co-Founder of Sony Dozens of…

  • It’s now clear that thought leadership content is having a major impact on B2B buying decisions. Several recent studies have confirmed that business buyers are consuming more thought leadership content, and that thought leadership affects decisions at every stage of the buying process. However, many of the same studies have also found that business buyers…

  • In 1943, the psychiatrist Abraham Maslow introduced a theory of human motivation which proposed that people are motivated to satisfy several needs, and that some of those needs take precedence over others. Maslow argued that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy, with basic physiological needs (food, water, etc.) at the lowest level, and self-actualization…

  • Over the past several weeks, I’ve published posts that reviewed the major findings of two recent research studies – one by Dynamic Yield, and one by Researchscape International – that focused on the current state of personalization in marketing. These studies were based on surveys of marketing professionals, so they captured the perspectives of individuals…

  • Measuring marketing performance is both a top priority and a persistent challenge for most B2B marketers. That’s the primary theme of Demand Gen Report’s 2018 Marketing Measurement and Attribution Benchmark Survey. The 2018 survey produced responses from 283 marketing executives, most of whom were based in the United States. Respondents represented several industries and a…