Author: ai7pz

  • What “Professional” B2B Buyers Want

    For obvious reasons, B2B marketers have always craved insights about their current and potential buyers. Such insights can enable astute marketers to craft more compelling value propositions, run more effective marketing programs, and deliver better customer experiences. Every year, I review several research studies that focus on the attitudes, preferences, and behaviors of B2B buyers.…

  • Three Critical Steps for Thought Leadership Success

    It’s now abundantly clear that compelling thought leadership content has become a vital component of effective marketing for most B2B companies. Numerous research studies have demonstrated that business buyers are relying on thought leadership content and that it has a significant impact on purchase decisions. The 2020 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study by Edelman Business…

  • Moving Beyond Mere Sales-Marketing “Alignment”

    In my last post, I discussed some of the findings of a 2019 survey about sales and marketing alignment by LeadMD and Drift. In this survey, over 90% of the respondents described their marketing and sales functions as well aligned or very well aligned. However, 60% of those respondents also reported that their company had…

  • Why Superficial Sales-Marketing Alignment Isn’t Enough

    Astute B2B marketing and sales professionals have long recognized the importance of having a productive relationship between marketing and sales, and many B2B companies have been working to build such relationships for more than a decade. So it’s understandable that sales-marketing alignment has been a hot topic in B2B marketing and sales circles for the…

  • Our Most Popular Posts of 2019

    This will be my last post of 2019, and I want to thank everyone who has spent some of his or her valuable time reading this blog. My goal for this blog has always been to provide content that readers will find informative, thought-provoking, and useful, and I’ve been immensely gratified by the attention and…

  • Four Keys to Strong Customer Relationships

    A recent report by Accenture Interactive provides several interesting insights on both the fragility of B2B seller-buyer relationships and what B2B companies need to do to strengthen long-term customer relationships. Service is the new sales was based on interviews with 748 business buyers and 1,499 B2B sellers across 10 countries and 16 industries. All of the…

  • Think “Close and Deep” to Maximize Growth

    During the Cold War, U.S. Army leaders in Europe faced a disconcerting situation. Their mission was to defend NATO member nations in the event of an attack by the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact. The problem was, U.S./NATO ground forces were greatly outnumbered. During this period, Soviet army doctrine was to throw wave after wave of forces…

  • How to Identify Revenue Growth Opportunities

    Driving consistent, profitable revenue growth is one of the most persistent challenges that business and marketing leaders face. The key word in that sentence is “consistent.” Many companies can produce substantial revenue growth sporadically or over a short period of time. But it’s exceptionally difficult to consistently generate above-average growth over the long term. In…