webmaster desktop (Photo credit: FSA 2006-07) Do you know how to check if your web page respect web design standards and best practices? If no, the following web page provides a great checklist, which permits you to verify (or discover) if you have designed your website correctly: http://webdevchecklist.com/ It may be a good idea too…
In this post, I will show you how to know the size (number of row/records) of a MySql database. I wanted to host an app on heroku. They offer free database for up to 10000 rows. So, I needed to know if my database fits into that limit… $ mysql -u root -p mysql> use…
Check Out from Subversion Server (Photo credit: xmodulo) SVN is a great version control sytem. I use it to have all my files synchronized among the many computers I use. SVN arborescence conflicts typically occur when you delete a folder without using the appropriate SVN commands (e.g., “rm -Rf myfolder” instead” of “svn delete myfolder”).…
Django logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Django is a great web development framework. It provides a lot of features to setup a professional website in minutes. However, sometimes the errors messages that it provides are complex to understand. I am describing below how to solve an error that occurs if you want the user to upload…
Django logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Have a look to the first two parts of this serie of Django tutorials, to see how to install virtualenv and django, and how to configure django with a mysql database. First a bit of vocabulary. We have seen that Django creates a package that contains the configuration of our…