Call-tracking system Integrations allow advertisers to feature and optimize campaigns based on phone performance

Marketers running Bing Ads campaigns can now import call conversion data so they can tie calls back to campaign efforts for attribution.

Call-tracking systems (CTS) can now interoperate directly with Bing Ads and import call conversion data through Offline Conversion Import tool and related set of APIs. One of Bingโ€™s first partners to support the new call conversion capability is CallTrackingMetrics.

Bing Ads first began supporting offline conversion imports in September of this year, enabling advertisers to attribute offline conversion events captured in their CRM systems.

The platform is looking forward to other call-tracking providers using our offline conversions capability to connect call conversion data back to Bing Ads. This enables better reporting insights, campaign optimizations and platform enhancements based on the wider impact of your search campaigns.

CallTrackingMetrics is one of the first call-tracking services to take part in the program. The machine can automatically send conversion and session information into Bing advertising campaigns.

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