Category: html

  • Html-source-code (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Ttidy is a famous toolset for validating HTML and XML content. It identifies mistakes, and corrects them auto-magically. To use it from python, you can use pytidylib: sudo apt-get install tidypip install pytidylib   Or alternatively easy_install pytidylib   Or if you are behind a proxy: pip install pytidylib –proxy “prxy:port”…

  • English: Gmail registration screenshots فارسی: عکس‌های برگه ثبت‌نام جی‌میل (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Django registration module is quite handy whenever you need some users to, well, registrate to your website… In this post, I will explain you how to install and configure it for your web app. To install django registration module: easy_install -Z django-registration The…

  • Django logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) In Django the essential part of any project consists in defining the data structures. Then, implementing a webpage to a web application consists in nothing more than providing a “view” on these data structures. We will define such view for our web application in the file textModif/ from django.http import…