Category: Google

  • Have you ever wondered how to secure access to gmail account? If not, you should! Think for a minute about what the search for following keywords in your mailbox would return: “sick” “problem” “secret” “pwd” “password” “don’t tell” “don’t repeat”… I think I have convinced you, so let’s seek for solutions to secure the access…

  • How often do you tidy your contact list? Do you know how to manage your contacts in android / google / gmail ? Your contacts represent your social graph, that is, the links that tie you to your friends and family. This information is invaluable for intelligence agencies and for advertising. Here is the link…

  • The amount of personal and sensitive information stored in e-mails is huge, and the risk that someone compromises this information increases with time. So, here is the method to delete old emails from gmail. I also advise you to use a strong password on your emails to prevent identity theft and spying for instance. First…

  • tumblr google webmaster tools sitemap (Photo credit: GioSaccone) Sitemaps are useful to indicate to websearch engines the list of the pages on your site / blog. Thus, it is a good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practice to provide the sitemaps of your site to the main search engines. If you use blogger, the sitemap URLs…

  • Meta tags are useful for search engine optimization purposes: they associate key words to a website. For instance, if your blog is about cooking, you may want to add meta tags such as “recipes, cooking, bakery, cup cakes” to your blog. This will help google, yahoo, bing, etc to recognize the topics of interest on…

  • Debian OpenLogo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Logo used from the start of the Chrome project until March 2011 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) You can install Google chrome on Debian in only three steps: (1) go to and download the appropriate .deb package (2)  Install it sudo dpkg -i ~/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb (3)Solve dependency issues sudo apt-get -f install…